Privacy Policy

The data collected on this website is handled with sensitivity and the utmost care for privacy.

What kind of information do we collect?

When you visit The Lighting Point at  our server automatically gathers specific non-personally identifiable information about your visit. This data includes the time of your visit, your domain name or IP address, the type of browser and operating system you use, as well as the pages you access and any links you follow within our website.

This information is collected through the use of a small 'cookie' file placed on your computer. The cookie merely identifies you as a site visitor, allowing us to recognize your return visits to our website.

We only collect and use the minimal additional customer data necessary to provide excellent service to our clients, which includes keeping them informed about our offerings.

When customers place orders with us, we maintain records of their names, mailing and email addresses, phone numbers, and payment and order processing details. However, we do not store or have access to credit card information. The information you provide is solely used for billing and delivery purposes.

Your email address will be used exclusively for:

  1. Contacting you to discuss your order or provide information.
  2. Periodically sending you special offers.

Rest assured, your email information will never be shared or sold to third parties.

Sharing Information

Occasionally, we may engage other businesses to perform specific tasks on our behalf, such as handling client shipments, processing transactions, or managing customer support inquiries.

These businesses will only be allowed to collect the necessary personal data required for service delivery. The Lighting Point takes every precaution to ensure that these businesses are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations to protect your personal data.

Google Analytics

The Lighting Point utilizes Google Analytics to monitor and analyze website usage. The data provided to us by Google is used to determine the number of website visitors, the pages they view, their duration on the site, and their online interactions with us.

Additionally, we may note common entry and exit points. Google compiles this non-personal, aggregated data and provides it to us for website analysis purposes. Data from Google Analytics is not shared with any third parties. 

Rest assured that your sensitive information will never be disclosed to external parties.