How can I validate my order?
We will email you an order confirmation once your order is complete. This verifies that your order has been received by us. Please contact us as soon as you can by email at sales@thelightingpoint.com.au, if you discover any errors with your order (for instance, an inaccurate delivery address). We will send you another email to let you know the product(s) are on their way after we have shipped out your order. 

How can I revoke my purchase?
Send us an email at sales@thelightingpoint.com.au as soon as you can if you need to cancel a purchase for any reason.

In most cases, after an order has been shipped to you, it cannot be cancelled. You can take advantage of our simple return policy if we are unable to cancel the order.

What is meant by a backorder?

We focus on delivering our products to you as quickly as we can. On sometimes, a product could not be in stock and need to be backordered from the manufacturer. The actions below are taken whenever any portion of an order is back ordered:

  • Send you an email letting you know which items are backordered and when they should arrive. Within 48 hours of the order being placed, this email is sent.
  • We check with the shipping facility or manufacturer to make sure the date is still accurate when the predicted ship date approaches (within a day or two of the ship date). We update the backorder date and send you another email notification if the manufacturer experiences a delay.